
Dalzell, A. M., McArdle, S., Berta, M., Bienias, P., Chen, C.-F., Gilyén, A., Hann, C. T., Kastoryano, M. J., Khabiboulline, E. T., Kubica, A., Salton, G., Wang, S., and Brandão, F. G. S. L. Quantum algorithms: A survey of applications and end-to-end complexities. arXiv: 2310.03011, 2023 – Accepted for publication by Cambridge University Press.


Ding, J., Gheorghiu, V., Gilyén, A., Hallgren, S., and Li, J. Limitations of the Macaulay matrix approach for using the HHL algorithm to solve multivariate polynomial systems. arXiv: 2111.00405, 2023
van Apeldoorn, J., Cornelissen, A., Gilyén, A., and Nannicini, G. Quantum tomography using state-preparation unitaries. In Proceedings of the 36th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2023, pp. 1265–1318. arXiv: 2207.08800
Gilyén, A., Song, Z., and Tang, E. An improved quantum-inspired algorithm for linear regression. Quantum 6:754, 2022. arXiv: 2009.07268
Gilyén, A., Lloyd, S., Marvian, I., Quek, Y., and Wilde, M. M. Quantum algorithm for Petz recovery channels and pretty good measurements. arXiv: 2006.16924, 2020
Gilyén, A., Hastings, M. B., and Vazirani, U. (Sub)Exponential advantage of adiabatic quantum computation with no sign problem. In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), 2021, pp. 1357–1369 [download pdf] Earlier version available on arXiv: 2011.09495.
Apers, S., Gilyén, A., and Jeffery, S. A unified framework of quantum walk search. In Proceedings of the 38th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2021, pp. 6:1–6:13. arXiv: 1912.04233
Chia, N.-H., Gilyén, A., Lin, H.-H., Lloyd, S., Tang, E., and Wang, C. Quantum-inspired algorithms for solving low-rank linear equation systems with logarithmic dependence on the dimension. In Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), 2020, pp. 47:1–47:17 Earlier version available on arXiv: 1811.04909.
Ben-David, S., Childs, A. M., Gilyén, A., Kretschmer, W., Podder, S., and Wang, D. Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups. In Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2020, pp. 649–660. arXiv: 2006.12760

[download pdf]

Kollár, B., Gilyén, A., Tkáčová, I., Kiss, T., Jex, I., and Štefaňák, M. Complete classification of trapping coins for quantum walks on the two-dimensional square lattice. Physical Review A 102(1):012207, 2020. arXiv: 2002.08070 [download pdf]
Chia, N.-H., Gilyén, A. P., Li, T., Lin, H.-H., Tang, E., and Wang, C. Sampling-based sublinear low-rank matrix arithmetic framework for dequantizing quantum machine learning. Journal of the ACM69(5), 2022. Earlier version in STOC’20, arXiv: 1910.06151 [download pdf]
Bannink, T., Buhrman, H., Gilyén, A., and Szegedy, M. The interaction light cone of the Discrete Bak-Sneppen, Contact and other local processes. Journal of Statistical Physics 176(6):1500–1525, 2019. arXiv: 1903.12607
Ambainis, A., Gilyén, A., Jeffery, S., and Kokainis, M. Quadratic speedup for finding marked vertices by quantum walks. In Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), 2020, p. 412–424. arXiv: 1903.07493 [download pdf]
Gilyén, A., and Li, T. Distributional property testing in a quantum world. In Proceedings of the 11th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS), 2020, pp. 25:1–25:19. arXiv: 1902.00814
van Apeldoorn, J., Gilyén, A., Gribling, S., and de Wolf, R. Convex optimization using quantum oracles. Quantum 4:220, 2020. arXiv: 1809.00643
Gilyén, A., Su, Y., Low, G. H., and Wiebe, N. Quantum singular value transformation and beyond: Exponential improvements for quantum matrix arithmetics. In Proceedings of the 51st ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), 2019, pp. 193–204. arXiv: 1806.01838
Chakraborty, S., Gilyén, A., and Jeffery, S. The power of block-encoded matrix powers: Improved regression techniques via faster Hamiltonian simulation. In Proceedings of the 46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), 2019, pp. 33:1–33:14. arXiv: 1804.01973
van Apeldoorn, J., and Gilyén, A. Improvements in quantum SDP-solving with applications. In Proceedings of the 46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), 2019, pp. 99:1–99:15. arXiv: 1804.05058
Gilyén, A., Arunachalam, S., and Wiebe, N. Optimizing quantum optimization algorithms via faster quantum gradient computation. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2019, pp. 1425–1444. arXiv: 1711.00465
van Apeldoorn, J., Gilyén, A., Gribling, S., and de Wolf, R. Quantum SDP-solvers: Better upper and lower bounds. Quantum 4:230, 2020. Earlier version in FOCS’17. arXiv: 1705.01843
Gilyén, A., and Sattath, O. On preparing ground states of gapped Hamiltonians: An efficient quantum Lovász local lemma. In Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2017, pp. 439–450. arXiv: 1611.08571 [download pdf]
Gilyén, A. Testing quantum state engineering protocols via LIQUi|⟩ simulations. Tech. rep., 2nd prize winner entry at the Microsoft Quantum Challange, 2016
Gilyén, A., Kiss, T., and Jex, I. Exponential sensitivity and its cost in quantum physics. Scientific Reports 6:20076, 2016. arXiv: 1508.03191

To be peer-reviewed arXiv preprints:

Chen, C.-F., Kastoryano, M. J., and Gilyén, A. An efficient and exact noncommutative quantum gibbs sampler. arXiv: 2303.09207, 2023
Chen, C.-F., Kastoryano, M. J., Brandão, F. G. S. L., and Gilyén, A. Quantum thermal state preparation. arXiv: 2303.18224, 2023
McArdle, S., Gilyén, A., and Berta, M. A streamlined quantum algorithm for topological data analysis with exponentially fewer qubits. arXiv: 2209.12887, 2022
McArdle, S., Gilyén, A., and Berta, M. Quantum state preparation without coherent arithmetic. arXiv: 2210.14892, 2022
Cornelissen, A., Bausch, J., and Gilyén, A. Scalable benchmarks for gate-based quantum computers. arXiv: 2104.10698, 2021
Chao, R., Ding, D., Gilyén, A., Huang, C., and Szegedy, M. Finding angles for quantum signal processing with machine precision. arXiv: 2003.02831, 2020
van Apeldoorn, J., and Gilyén, A. Quantum algorithms for zero-sum games. arXiv: 1904.03180, 2019