Budapest Open Quantum Systems Seminar
Tondo seminar room, 2nd floor, Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary

Seminar series on problems related to open quantum systems at the heart of Budapest.

András Gilyén
Rényi Institute
liam-e: uh[tod]iyner[ta]neylig

Zoltán Zimborás
Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner RCP
liam-e: uh[tod]rengiw[ta]natloz[tod]sarobmiz

Upcoming and past seminars:

2025. March 27. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: Balázs Kabella
Title: Numerical estimation of the spectal gap of detailed-balanced Lindbladians
Abstract: The mixing time of a detailed-balanced Lindbladian can be bounded via the spectral gap of the corresponding discriminant superoperator.
Video: TBA

2025. March 20. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: József Mák
Title: Mixing time of state preparation in quasi-free systems (part 2)
Abstract: We discuss a recent analytical result regarding the mixing time of state preparation in quasi-free systems.
Video: TBA

2025. March 13. 14:45-16:15 CET (note the later than usual time-slot)
Sepaker: József Mák
Title: Mixing time of state preparation in quasi-free systems (part 1)
Abstract: We discuss a recent analytical result regarding the mixing time of state preparation in quasi-free systems.
Video: TBA

2025. February 6. 12:45-14:00 CET (note the earlier than usual time-slot)
Sepaker: József Mák
Title: Sampling Gibbs States of Quadratic Fermi Systems: A Computational Perspective
Abstract: We discuss how to efficiently simulate simple Lindbladian dynamics converging to free-fermionic Gibbs states.

2025. January 30. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: João Doriguello
Title: Rapid mixing of non-commuting quantum Gibbs samplers at high temperatures
Abstract: Review the recent result of Rouzé, Stilck França, and Alhambra [RSFA24]:

2025. January 23. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: Tibor Rakovszky
Title: Bottlenecks in quantum channels and finite temperature phases of matter
Abstract: We prove an analogue of the "bottleneck theorem", well-known for classical Markov chains, for Markovian quantum channels.

2025. January 16. 15:00-15:30 CET Location: Turán room (part of the Drafting Workshop)
Sepaker: Raz Firanko
Title: Quantum Markov Processes and their Steady States
Abstract: We study quantum generalizations of Markov processes with local transition rules and their density-matrix fixed points, also known as steady states. Specifically, we focus on quantum maps acting on many-particle systems arranged on a graph, which admit a Kraus decomposition in terms of local operators. These maps serve as quantum analogs of classical Markov processes and can be implemented on a quantum computer.

2025. January 09. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: Zoltán Zimborás
Title: Quasi-free and quadratic Lindblad master equations for open fermionic systems
Abstract: Free-fermionic systems can be efficiently simulated classicaly due to an effective dimensionality reduction of the Fock space. The situation is more complicated when the Lindbladian has quadratic terms, but in some cases it is still tractable as show by Barthel and Zhang [BZ21].

2024. December 12. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: João Doriguello
Title: Fast Gibbs state preparation in high temperatures - Part II
Abstract: The preparation of Gibbs or thermal states are an important step in quantum simulation. In this presentation, I review the recent result of Rouzé, Stilck França, and Alhambra [RSFA24]

2024. December 05. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: João Doriguello
Title: Fast Gibbs state preparation in high temperatures - Part I
Abstract: The preparation of Gibbs or thermal states are an important step in quantum simulation. In this presentation, I review the recent result of Rouzé, Stilck França, and Alhambra [RSFA24]

2024. November 28. 14:15-15:45 CET (online on zoom)
Sepaker: András Gilyén
Title: Quantum generalizations of Glauber and Metropolis dynamics
Abstract: Classical Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods have been essential for simulating statistical physical systems and have proven well applicable to other systems with complex degrees of freedom. Motivated by the statistical physics origins, Chen, Kastoryano, and Gilyén [CKG23] proposed a continuous-time quantum thermodynamic analog to Glauber dynamic that is (i) exactly detailed balanced, (ii) efficiently implementable, and (iii) quasi-local for geometrically local systems.

2024. September 26. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: András Gilyén
Title:[In Hungarian] Kvantum csatornák Stinespring reprezentációja. Klasszikus Metropolis és Glauber dinamika és kvantumos megfelelőik.
Abstract: Általános Hölder egyenlőtlenség Schatten normákra, Hilbert-Schmidt belső szorzat, Adjungált szuperoperátor, Stinespring reprezentáció, Klasszikus Glauber és Metropolis algoritmus.

2024. September 19. 14:15-15:45 CET
Sepaker: András Gilyén
Title: [In Hungarian] Sűrűségoperátorok, teljesen pozitív leképezések és kvantum csatornák
Abstract: Általános bevezető sűrűségmátrixok, Schatten normák, teljesen pozitív leképezések, kvantum csatornák és távolságaik témakörében.